TAMRON's Sustainability
Based on its corporate mission of "creating emotion and reassurance through its mastery of light, contributing to the realization of a fulfilling society," TAMRON aims to realize the sustainable society described in the SDGs together with all stakeholders. In 2023, we established the Risk Management Committee and the Information Management Committee to implement our ESG and sustainability strategies and reinforce our structure for addressing sustainability issues, which includes the previously established CSR Committee and Compliance Committee.
The Value Creation Process To build a fulfilling society, TAMRON formulated Environmental Vision 2050, which outlines the long-term direction of TAMRON's environmental initiatives. -
Materiality The TAMRON Group studies medium- and long-term risks and opportunities arising from changes in the external environment and identifies material issues to be addressed for our continuous growth together with society. They are reported to the Board of Directors after they are approved by the CSR Committee. In view of the changes in external conditions and other factors, we will continuously review them. -
Risk Management We manage risks by implementing risk management from both the risks and growth opportunities that should be prepared for our sustainable growth. -
CSR Initiatives TAMRON has set the Corporate Mission that aims to improve corporate value and create a sustainable society. Toward the realization of the Corporate Mission, we identify issues that must be resolved for the sustainable growth of our company and society as key CSR issues. -
Dialogue with Stakeholders TAMRON engages in a variety of activities through dialogue with stakeholders.
Participation in the UN Global Compact

Our business ranges from Asian countries including China where our factory locates to Western countries. Therefore TAMRON joined the Global Compact in August 2007, as the fundamental idea of CSR.
The Global Compact is a framework with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. We are faithful to ten principles of the Global Compact, and conduct our business, with responsibility. Please see our Communication on Progress for details.
Communication on Progress
For details about the Global Compact, please visit the United Nations webpage.
United Nations Global Compact
Global Compact Network Japan