CSR Initiatives
Based on its Corporate Mission, TAMRON seeks to increase its corporate value and achieve the realization of a sustainable society. Currently, as indicated by phenomena such as global warming, sustainability crises are growing steadily and progressively more severe. As concerns about social issues—such as human rights and labor issues—become increasingly serious, there are growing expectations for companies to work to resolve social issues. TAMRON has identified issues that must be solved to enable sustainable growth for the company and society as key CSR issues. The key CSR issues that we have identified are incorporated into our management strategy, and we set targets for these issues each year as we engage in our corporate activities.
Corporate Mission
TAMRON creates emotion and
reassurance through its mastery of light,
contributing to the realization of a fulfilling society.
CSR Themes for Enhancing CSR Management

CSR Themes for Enhancing CSR Management
We have been working on our business operations under CSR themes established for being a company acknowledged by stakeholders, and we have established the "Standards of Business Conduct", which is the way TAMRON behaves as a company.
We have established a sound corporate governance system and carry out management with a fundamental focus on compliance,while also considering the economy, society and the environment.
Furthermore, by engaging in themes such as the environment,quality/product safety, and employment/human resources and other social issues, we are striving to be a company that has the power to be selected by customers.
CSR Themes and Standards of Business Conducts
1.Contributing to social issues through business(SDGs)
Looking to providing solutions to social issues, TAMRON creates new value through its corporate activities to achieve economic growth, solve social issues and contribute to the realization of a fulfilling society.
2.Quality and product safety
TAMRON combines innovation with its technological capabilities to create excitement and peace of mind by providing high quality products that earn the trust of customers while considering safety and the environment.
TAMRON recognizes that global environmental issues are issued shared by humanity, endeavors to reduce the impact on and conserve the environment, and contributes to the development of a sustainable society in harmony with the environment.
TAMRON is aware that it exists together with society. We place a priority on observing laws and regulations while respecting social rules, and carry out our corporate activities with a high sense of ethics.
5.Information disclosure
To enhance corporate value, TAMRON actively works to disclose corporate information effectively and fairly, and engages in constructive dialogue with the stakeholders associated with its business.
6.Occupational safety and health
To develop a pleasant workplace environment that considers the health and safety of each employee, TAMRON monitors the state of health of its employees, undertakes initiatives on the maintenance and management of health, and makes every effort to ensure employee safety.
7.Social contributions
To create a society in which people can experience spiritual fulfillment, TAMRON engages in activities contributing to the development of photography and film culture, and acting as a good corporate citizen, takes part in local community activities and contributes to their development.
8.Human resources/human rights
TAMRON makes every effort to provide employees with opportunities to develop and demonstrate their abilities in ways that respect their diversity, character and individuality. We embrace a global perspective, value teamwork and endeavor to cultivate human resources who harness creativity.
9.Information management
TAMRON establishes protections from threats such as information asset incidents and crimes, and lives up to the trust placed in it by customers and society.
10.CSR procurement
TAMRON engages in sound trade practices, and works with its business partners to promote procurement activities that consider social responsibility including human rights, labor standards and the environment.
11.Risk (crisis management)
TAMRON prepares against risks that could threaten civic life or corporate activities, and does the utmost to prevent such risks from occurring. Should any such crisis occur, we will make every effort to minimize damage and loss, effect a swift recovery, prevent recurrences and fulfill our social responsibility.
12.Corporate governance
Top management works to build up sustainable corporate value by establishing governance to engage in fair, transparent and swift decision making in response to a changing business environment.
Standards of Business ConductManagement system for CSR ( SDGs )
With the aim of fulfilling TAMRON’ s corporate social responsibility and contributing to the development of a sustainable society, the CSR Committee, whose members include full-time directors, full-time Audit & Supervisory Committee Members and executive officers, meets five times a year in principle. The committee makes decisions on and deliberates over basic matters, policies and important targets concerning CSR and promotion of the integrated management system, and also manages the progress of important targets.

Process for Identifying Key CSR Issues

Firstly, we identified social issues surrounding TAMRON based on international guidelines. We then assessed the importance of those issues for various stakeholders, and the possibility and potential impact of any risks. After considering the validity of the results of our assessment, we identified key CSR issues and submitted them for final decision making by the CSR Committee.
Materiality | CSR themes | Key CSR Issues |
Creating emotion and reassurance |
Quality and Product Safety | Enhancing product quality and safety management |
Promoting CSR procurement | Building a sustainable supply chain | |
Creating new light | Solving social issues through corporate activities (SDGs) | Contributing to social issues through business |
E Contributing to a sustainable earth |
Environment | Reducing CO2 emissions |
Recycling resources and reducing waste | ||
Environmentally friendly design | ||
Reducing harmful chemical substances | ||
Water management | ||
S Promoting human capital management |
Human resources and rights | Human resource development |
Advance DE&I | ||
Respect for human rights | ||
Social contributions | ||
Occupational safety and health | Promoting health and productivity management | |
G Developing the foundations of trust and sustained growth |
Compliance | Full enforcement of compliance |
Risk (crisis management) | Strengthening business continuity management (BCM) | |
Information management | Strengthening of information security | |
Disclosure of information | ||
Corporate governance | Improving the governance system |
Key CSR Issues: Results of Activities
Key CSR Issues | 2023 Results |
Contributing to social issues through business | The Tamron human rights policy formulated Human rights due diligence conducted
Reducing CO2 emissions | CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) approximately 12.0% compared with FY2015 levels (9% target) |
Recycling resources and reducing waste |
Environmentally friendly design |
Reducing harmful chemical substances | Leaks of harmful chemical substances from business locations: 0 incidents |
Water management | Water use Foshan Factory: 6.5% year on year decrease (Target:5.0% reduction in comparison with FY2022) Vietnam Factory:1.0% year on year increase (Target: 1.0% reduction in comparison with FY2022) |
Human resource development (improve productivity) |
Providing comfortable workplace environments and promoting diversity | |
Fostering the development of the next generation | Social contribution activity costs: Equivalent to 0.4% of average consolidated operating income in the past three years Increase in the social contribution ratio aimed at fostering the development of the next generation: Down 2% from the 2022 level (the target had been to achieve a higher ratio than in 2022) |
Expanding the disclosure of non-financial information | Enhancement of human resource-related disclosures
Enhancing product quality and safety management | Improved design quality and lower defect costs: year on year improvement |
Promoting CSR procurement |
Preparing for major disasters | Conducted disaster response headquarters simulations
Improving the governance system |